The Desmos graphing calculator can be used to help visualize mathematical and scientific relationships. The calculator is allowed on math STAAR, SAT, ACT, and AP math and science exams (except AP Statistics). In this session, we will explore various features of the graphing calculator and practice using it to complete released AP questions. Participants will learn how to model scientific data, analyze trends, and visualize complex functions, making it an essential resource for teaching topics in science such as physics, chemistry, and Biology. POG: Innovative Thinker
The Desmos graphing calculator can be used to help visualize mathematical and scientific relationships. The calculator is allowed on math STAAR, SAT, ACT, and AP math and science exams (except AP Statistics). In this session, we will explore various features of the graphing calculator and practice using it to complete released AP questions. Participants will learn how to model scientific data, analyze trends, and visualize complex functions, making it an essential resource for teaching topics in science such as physics, chemistry, and Biology. POG: Innovative Thinker
"Caffeinate" - Get a boost of energy after lunch with some coffee or tea. "Ruminate" - Reflect deeply on the previous sessions and ideas. "Collaborate" Work together with their team to plan next steps.